![Unleash Gold Light Logo](https://joshuabenavides.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Unleash-Gold-Light-Logo.png)
Become the Best Version of Yourself.
Create the Best Version of Your Life.
Express Your Greatest Gifts to the World.
My name is Joshua Benavides.
And I’d like to tell you a short story.
Whether it has a happy or sad ending, of course, as you’ll see, is actually up to you.
It’s the story of a soul (you) who came into this world to fulfill a definite purpose and realize a unique calling and dream…
But not fulfilling or living out the fullness of that purpose or dream…
This is the story of going through life yearning to express your true calling, gifts, talents and capacities…
But feeling like you can’t…
Like there’s an invisible wall standing in the way.
It’s the story of wanting to express the fullness within you but holding it all back – postponing, postponing, postponing – with the hope that “some day” you’ll be brave enough, strong enough, smart enough, know enough, BE enough to claim authority over your life and live according to your deepest truth, your soul’s purpose and your highest dreams.
But unfortunately, in this story…
That day never comes.
And sadly, for so many, that means dying without ever having realized what you were truly capable of being and doing in life.
It means dying with the regret of not having been courageous enough to go ALL IN with your dreams.
The thought of dying without having fulfilled your true potential, without having experienced the radiant aliveness that comes from being fully unleashed and ALL IN with what you were born for, breaks my heart!
And if you’re here, reading this page, I’m gonna fight for you to not let that be your fate.
I truly believe, like the great self-actualizing psychologist, Abraham Maslow, said:
You know, deep down inside, beneath the fear, that the answer to living your best life, to creating the impact, income, lifestyle and legacy you desire is…
To UNLEASH yourself from the old, limiting stories that keep you stuck in a cycle of shrinking, dimming, fearing, doubting, playing small and not going ALL IN with your dreams!
To UNLEASH yourself from self-oppressive beliefs and finally allow your unique gifts, talents, message, voice and service to flow through you, in your own unique way, and into the world!
Especially now, the world is needing you to be the best and highest version of yourself…
And needing your transformative gifts, messages, voice and presence.
And that’s why I created…
![Unleash Gold Light Logo](https://joshuabenavides.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Unleash-Gold-Light-Logo.png)
A 6 Month Personal Quest to Pull Out All The Stops, Activate Your Super Powers, Become The Best, Most Heroically Awesome Version of You & Give Your Greatest Gifts To The World!
For soul-led, legacy-driven leaders, entrepreneurs, creatives, messengers, artists, coaches – men and women who:
– Are DRIVEN to go ALL IN with their soul’s highest vision and goals
– Are READY to pull out all the stops (fear, doubt, postponement, etc)
– Are CALLED to be the best version of themselves, create the best version of their lives and make a positive impact in the world
– Are COMMITTED to not dying with their music still in them
I created this for you!
If you’re not living your best life every day – if you’re postponing, holding back your gifts because of fear and doubt, not doing THE THINGS that you know you’re meant to do and create in this life, not having the impact, the income, the freedom you yearn for…
Then this is the most epic place to be right now!
Right now, in this very moment, you are standing at the center of infinite possibility.
You get to decide, NOW, how you will use the rest of the time you have left in this life.
Will you continue to play out the same story of fear, insecurity and lack?
Or will you choose to become the hero of your life, activate your courage and overcome any and all of the obstacles in the way of your most epic life?!
Frankly, I don’t think you’d be reading this if you weren’t already being called to step up to what is truly possible for you.
I know you know that you’re meant for more.
You can feel it in your heart, your gut and soul.
You want to let all that magnificence out.
And I am committed to help you do that – in every area of your life!
I’ve created a sacred space and opportunity for you to do something REAL and RARE:
– To finally get clear
– To own, love and fully accept yourself and your gifts
– To activate your courage
– To stop being so afraid and finally step up to create the life you were born for
– To feel confident about the direction your life is going
– To wake up each day feeling inspired, excited to be alive, motivated, proud of yourself and what you’re up to in the world
– To go to bed at night feeling proud about yourself and how you’ve spent your time
– To stop listening to the self-sabotaging voice in your head
– To speak and live your truth with confidence and power
– To truly go for it and live your sacred and magnificent dream!
I am committed to help you become so tapped into your aliveness, genius and power that the world simply cannot ignore you!
I am committed to help you get so grounded in your wisdom, courage, soul and truth, that you CAN’T NOT do the things that you’re truly meant to do!
I am committed to help you experience how magnificent you really are and to express and share that magnificence with the world!
So if you’ve reached a point in your journey where you’re being called to actualize all that you’re truly capable of being and doing in your life aka actualizing your greatness and living your soul’s purpose…
If you’re being called to CLOSE THE GAP between who you’re being right now and who you’re truly capable of being…
And if you, like me, were born and even wired to become the highest possible version of yourself and create the highest possible version of your life…
I’m here to give you a wake up call: You can’t do it all by yourself!
The most profound transformations and shifts I’ve had came from finally realizing that I had to open up, drop my armor and allow for someone else to help me.
This is true for all self-reliant, driven, high-achieving individuals.
The hero’s journey requires personal, wise and skillful support.
Luke Skywalker had Yoda.
Froto had Gandalf.
Alexander the Great had Aristotle.
King Arthur had Merlin.
Who do you have in your corner?
Who’s willing to fight for your dreams alongside you, point out what you’re not seeing and say to you what no one else can?
Who do you have in your corner that is there to get real with you, to hold you to the fire of your greatest intentions and nudge you along to fulfill your potential?
You know you have what it takes.
But you do need somebody there to see through the limiting stories, the blindspot beliefs you’re operating from, and remind you who you really are and what you’re truly capable of…
Show you on REPEAT how to flip the switch to being your best self…
And to help you see what you’re not seeing and reflect back to you what you’re truly needing to hear.
This… is what I do and love.
I will see straight to the core of you, your greatness… and bring it out from within you.
You come in to my space, and it will literally be impossible for you to keep running away from yourself!
This work is about pulling out all the stops.
This means that when you come into my space, you come to UNLEASH and go ALL IN with being and creating your most epic life and self.
In work. In money. In relationships. In health. In how you live, move and show up in your day. In creating the fun and adventure and memories you want. In legacy. In impact. In spirituality and embodying the best version of yourself. And in every area of how your mind operates and thus determines your reality.
This is a rare, sacred and tremendous opportunity – one that is traditionally reserved for only the highly committed.
One that requires the courage and the willingness to answer the call.
If that sounds like you…
If you’re being called to take your life journey to the next level…
Then there’s no coincidence or mistake that you’re here reading this right now.
It means that you and I share a profound bond:
A built-in drive, desire and intention to be the best version of ourselves, create the best version of our lives and make a positive impact in the world while doing it.
For this reason and more, it would be an honor to connect and explore the possibility of you and I working together, one-on-one, over the course of 6 months, to help YOU pull out all the stops, activate your super powers, become the best, most heroically awesome version of YOU, and give your greatest gifts to the world!
Ready to begin the journey? Here’s how it works…
Step 1: Fill out the short application form below.
Step 2: After reviewing your application, if I get the feeling that we’re in alignment and would do awesome work together, we’ll schedule a Discovery Call where we can connect, go deeper into your vision, your purpose, your fears, your doubts and more.
Step 3: If by then we both feel inspired to go ALL IN, we’ll get you enrolled and begin the transformative journey together.
Click the button below to apply now.
![Unleash Gold Light Logo](https://joshuabenavides.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Unleash-Gold-Light-Logo.png)
PS – I ONLY work with those who are undeniably and obviously READY, WILLING and ABLE to commit mentally, emotionally, financially and energetically to answer the call of their Soul.
If this is not where you’re at yet, this might not be for you. If, however, that’s the level of life you’re looking to play on, then I look forward to speaking with you soon.
PPS – Want to see what my clients have to say about what it’s like working with me? Visit my “Wall of Gratitude” here.
About Joshua Benavides
I help soul-led, legacy driven leaders and entrepreneurs to become the best version of themselves, create the best version of their lives and make a positive impact in the world with their gifts and presence.
I am the founder and director of the Transformative Coach Institute, the best-selling author of Break The Worry Habit (and other books) and have been coaching people to grow and evolve into higher levels of self-actualization for almost 20 years now.
I am a father of one, a lover of wisdom, and deeply passionate about helping people like you to transform, elevate, optimize and actualize the life you were born to live!
![Unleash Gold Light Logo](https://joshuabenavides.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Unleash-Gold-Light-Logo.png)