Why Do People Hire Me As Their Personal Coach?

I’m not your typical coach.

I come from a lineage of indigenous healers and from a life-long devotion and love-affair with Spirit and Truth.

I consider myself first, a healer. Second, a coach.

Healing, in my experience and understanding, is primary. Because, ultimately, you can’t go beyond what you haven’t healed and fully resolved within yourself.

Your unresolved fears, wounds and insecurities will and are limiting your well-being, your business, your relationships, your health and more.

It’s the healing work that frees us to live the life, purpose and vision that we’ve been called to realize.

Joshua Benavides

Transformative Coach & Founder of Transformative Coach Institute

How I Serve My Clients

I help my clients release their attachments to limitation and lack so the truth of their wholeness and power can reveal itself within them.

I help my clients bring their darkness to the light and surrender it fully and completely so they can live their lives powerfully, deeply and without fear.

I help my clients clear out everything in the way of the magnificence that lives inside them so they can live fully, love fully and shine brightly.

I don’t need to have all the answers because the Wisdom within you has the most perfect answers for your life. And that’s what matters most.

You don’t need someone else’s answers for your life. You need the answers that can only come from your innate wisdom, from your inner depths, from your soul.

My work is a sacred and potent container to help you unravel all the knots in your consciousness, undo all the fears in your mind, and release all that limits your potential.

I Believe You Are Here To Thrive

You are here to blossom fully and completely. You are here to live an epic, happy, fulfilling and magical life. You are here to make an impact and share your gifts with the world without fear, doubt or holding back of any kind.

My gift is helping you to clear out whatever is in the way of your full expression.

My coaching work is deeply spiritual and deeply healing.

It is not for the faint of heart.

It is for those who are willing to release what no longer serves them, to embrace what they are truly here to be and do, and to allow for something even greater than they imagined to unfold in their lives.

My unique style of coaching is for individuals who aren’t satisfied with average results and a status quo existence; it’s for those who sense that there is a deep reservoir of unrealized potential within them, both personally and professionally, and they’re committed to turn that potential into reality.

If this sounds like you, I invite you to schedule a free “Clarity Session” with me.

To schedule your appointment, pick the best day/time on my online calendar below. I look forward to connect with you and see how I can serve you.


“Don’t die with your music still in you.”

– Dr. Wayne Dyer