Enneagram-Informed Transformational Coaching And Spiritual Direction To Awaken Consciousness, Transform Limiting Patterns And Fulfill Your Divine Potential

Dear Soul Friend,

We are living in a world that is currently experiencing a peak of chaos and distress.

It’s so easy to lose contact with the experience of aliveness and connection, that experience of living deeply in the moment, grounded in the body, with an open heart and a quiet mind.

In a world that’s constantly rushing, hustling, running on cortisol and adrenaline – it’s no wonder our nervous systems feel exhausted, overwhelmed and not fully grounded in ourselves or our lives.

It can also feel lonely on the healing and growth journey, especially when you’re surrounded by people who do not understand the profound awakening, growth and transformation you’re going through.

At some point, each of us needs the help of a sacred companion to navigate our spiritual path and development.

We need the deeper, honest and compassionate reflections that we often do not receive from those around us.

And this is a beautiful thing!

We are relational beings and grow exponentially when we can grow consciously, together.

An awareness of the need for spiritual direction and partnership for your inner work is a sign of growth, maturity and a transition into the greater development and unfolding that’s wanting to happen.

The Calling Of Our Times

The calling of our times is not to be well versed in spiritual teachings or to chase and accumulate transpersonal experiences.

The calling of our times is for EMBODIMENT & INTEGRATION, for a return to presence of body, heart and mind, and the lived experience of awakened consciousness.

The calling of our times is to come back home to ourselves, to our Essence, and engage the inner work AND inter-relationship work that will allow us to blossom fully, together.

This requires us to know ourselves, to understand our dominant patterns, our hidden motives and fears, and ultimately, to heal and transform our unconscious and habitual ways of being.

It requires us to engage in a practical spirituality that cultivates our capacity to hold all that arises in our hearts with compassion, kindness and understanding.

Very few spaces like this exist for us to consciously encounter our depths and evolve.

Does This Sound Like You?

Does it feel sometimes like you’re banging your head against the wall trying to navigate the complexities of relationships, career, business and bringing your gifts into the world?

Are you committed to living a conscious, loving, empowered, and purposeful life — but keep running into repetitive situations and relationships that trigger unconscious reactivity?

Have you been on a spiritual and personal growth path, maybe for decades, but continue to find yourself humbled by the ways these unconscious reactions bring you back to patterns and circumstances you thought you had outgrown long ago?

The truth is, these unconscious reactions are likely impacting your relationships, your health, your success, your sense of self, and your ability to create a life you truly love.

Perhaps you go into ‘compare and despair’ mode whenever you feel you aren’t living in alignment with your deeper potential…

Maybe you tend to ‘go along to get along’ and don’t speak up or set boundaries in your relationships when something clearly is “off”…

Or perhaps you mindlessly turn to sweets or alcohol or entertainment when a friend cancels a plan because it makes you feel unloved or unwanted.

Whatever your pattern, everyone has habitual, unconscious and mechanical ways of being that get in the way of our well-being, our deeper wisdom, joy and full self-expression.

We Are All In The Same Boat

I know how deeply frustrating, hopeless and devastating it is to feel stuck in what feels like never-ending, negative cycles that show up in the areas that matter most to you.

When these very human patterns are triggered, we all forget the bigger picture of who we really are and the unique and beautiful gifts we have to share with the world.

And that’s where having a skillful spiritual companion who walks with you on your own spiritual journey comes in.

Transformative Coaching and Spiritual Direction is a loving, powerful process that helps guide you through the journey of waking up, growing up, cleaning up and showing up fully in your life.

That’s why I created…


Enneagram-Informed Transformational Coaching And Spiritual Direction To Awaken Consciousness, Transform Limiting Patterns And Fulfill Your Divine Potential

For sincere spiritual, empathic, growth-oriented individuals who:


Feel trapped, stuck, and unable to tolerate another season of things remaining the same.


Struggle with a challenging personal or professional relationship.


Are in a life transition where the ground has shifted and uncertainty feels overwhelming.


Want to make important decisions with guidance and support.


Are called to grow, develop, embody and express their soul’s true potential in this life.


Desire a holistic – spiritual, psychological and somatic body, heart and mind – approach to personal healing, awakening and transformation.


Wish to learn authentic teachings and practices from indigenous, western and eastern wisdom.


Want to cultivate a deeper connection to themselves, to their life’s purpose, to others and to the Divine.


Want to flourish and cultivate embodied presence, an open heart and a quiet mind.


Want to come back home to themselves and learn to truly live in the present moment.


Are ready to break free from the chains of victim consciousness and develop self-leadership.


Wish to receive regular coaching as part of spiritual, mental and emotional self-care and well-being.

“Joshua is an extraordinarily gifted and ethical Coach who has the ability to tune into whatever is going on right now and also bring to the surface what’s holding someone back. He then provides clarity to the situation at hand as well as simple tools to release what’s holding you back, so you can live a more balanced life.

I’m often skeptical of most healers and coaches due to my personal experience and seeing so many unethical and manipulative people taking advantage of other’s fears, hopes and dreams. Joshua is the “real deal.”

I recommend working with Joshua to those who are stuck in some aspect of their life and are ready to invest in themselves so they can step up and move past what’s holding them back – or to someone who feels good about where they’re at but wants to take their life and business to the next level in an ethical way.”

Adam Collins

Social Media Expert , Chief Inspiration Officer of Social Strategizer

What Is The Blossoming Soul Exactly?

The Blossoming Soul is a personalized, Enneagram-Informed, 1:1 transformational coaching and spiritual direction program for individuals who want a highly committed, compassionate and skilled space for inner healing, awakening and transformation work.

It is “Enneagram Informed” which means, we will utilize the depths of the Enneagram as a map for soul development, to uncover and understand the core-motivation patterns, fears and challenges that would otherwise take far longer to recognize and address.

To say that the Enneagram can accelerate inner healing, awakening and transformation would be an understatement.

The Enneagram is a map that describes nine distinct personality types.

These nine types are also the nine ways we habitually leave presence, nine ways we fall asleep to who we really are, nine unconscious patterns which can lead us away from all we truly care about — and also nine direct pathways to awakening back to your true, essential nature. 

Ennea means “nine” in Greek and gramma means “sign or figure.”

These nine types or styles are not who you are, but they show you, objectively, the patterns that tend to dominate your experience.

In this way, the Enneagram is a spiritual and psychological tool – like a sacred mirror – for transformative, inner and inter-relationship work.

When it’s not coupled with deep, experiential, spiritual, psychological and somatic practices, however, it merely becomes more information.

Information can be empowering, but it’s the practices that transform our lives.

The Enneagram, coupled with presence work, self-inquiry, breath work, meditation, shadow work, movement, writing, journaling and ceremony – is life changing.


“I got a chance to coach with Joshua during one of my lowest points in my life. I was depressed, lost & broken at that time. Meeting him was a blessing for me. After our first call, I could already see a big shift, like an eye-opening trasformation inside of me. He’s a wonderful healer and spiritual teacher. After just 1 year coaching with Joshua, I’ve never felt better about myself, inside and out. Every session with him is totally transformative. Today, I can confidently say that I’m healed, stable and very happy. He has changed and transformed not only me but also my family. I’m truly grateful for him, for our precious relationship and for his work for this world. I definitely recommend him to anyone who wants to heal and to transform their life.”

Julie Nguyen

Spiritual Practitioner

Our Work Will Support You In…

Cultivating deep inner transformation and outer impact

Reducing stress and increasing overall well-being

Truly seeing, understanding, loving and accepting yourself

Bringing more harmony and balance into your life, work and relationships

Creating a life aligned with your authentic self and values

Resolving the internal conflicts that keep you from thriving in every area of your life

Discerning the difference between the voice of your ego and the “still small voice” of your Essence 

Getting to the root of what keeps you feeling stuck in unhelpful ways of being

Deepening your connection with the Divine within and all around you

Addressing and resolving challenging relationship issues

Addressing and resolving self-love, esteem and personal power issues

Growing, developing and maturing beyond limiting childhood survival strategies

Healing the wounds that still bind you to the past

Reclaiming the power of your Spirit and Essence

Activating and embracing your soul’s deeper purpose

Developing authentic self-leadership

Healing old, ancestral patterns of lack, limitation, struggle and suffering

Sharing your essential gifts with the world

Cultivating more presence and mindfulness

Healing the core suffering within yourself and our world

And to address and resolves whatever is arising in your experience at the time

As the layers of your journey unfold and clarify, I will suggest practices – suited specifically for you – that we will engage together and that you can use for the rest of your life. 


“I rank Joshua Benavides as one of the top transformational coaches out there today! I highly recommend Joshua to help you get unstuck, step up as the leader that you are and serve the world in your own unique way!”

Stacey Morgenstern

Coach, Entrepreneur, Co-founder of Health Coach Institute

What You Will Receive


Two private sessions a month (90 min each), every other week, for either a 3, 6 or 12 month commitment. This is where we cocreate a dedicated space for you to blossom in all the ways you’re capable of.


One community practice session a month (60-90 min each). This is optional. It’s a wonderful opportunity to connect with others in the Blossoming Soul, and engage in 3-centered growth and awareness practices (body, heart and mind) in community.


Unlimited email or text correspondence. My commitment to my clients is total. I’m available to support you between sessions as needed.


Personalized spiritual, psychological and somatic exercises and practices geared to your own journey.


A list of supportive reading and resources as needed.

All clients have the option of participating in a private weekend retreat with me in Washington State, that may include (depending on the time of year): participation in a sacred sweat lodge ceremony, a hike to a sacred power spot in the beautiful Columbia Gorge, time to unwind at the hot springs, and more.

“I doubted that anyone could help me on the challenge I called Joshua with. I am, after all, a full time speaker, ex Tony Robbins coach, NLP trainer, Master Hypnotherapist and the list goes on. But I’m very glad I did. Joshua was able to help me with what was stopping me and move past it quickly and easily.”

Scott Whaley

Peak Performance Coach, President of Real Wealth Speakers and Real Wealth Seminars

Who Am I?

First and foremost, I’m a fellow student in the Earth School.

Since I was a young boy, I’ve devoted my life to learning and embodying wisdom, love and healing.

Needless to say, this has been an ongoing journey of profound inner and inter-relationship healing, transformation, awakening and change that continues today.

I’m not a guru. I’m not perfect – nor do I pretend to be.

I am more like a soul brother, a friend and a guide.

I’ve been blessed and transformed by key teachers, teachings, practices and rare experiences in life that have shown me what’s possible within every human being when we come together in a space dedicated to awakening consciousness, healing and blossoming.

I’ve been actively assisting others as a coach and guide for over two decades.

I am also Indigenous and come from a lineage of healers from South America.

I have spent decades immersed in deep ceremony, learning from north and south American indigenous medicine men and women, healers and sacred teachings.

Although I have been formally trained in all sorts of coaching and therapeutic modalities, the depth of my inner transformation and healing work come directly from being in the depths of healing ceremonies, sweat lodges, initiatory experiences, and more.

Over decades, I’ve synthesized indigenous wisdom teachings and practices with eastern and western traditions (with an emphasis on the Enneagram) for the purpose of soul development, inner healing and what it truly means to come alive as a human being on this earth.

I’m also the founder of the Transformative Coach Institute, where I train coaches to facilitate deep healing and transformation, and the author of multiple books including The Sun Seeking Light, Overlooking Happiness and Break The Worry Habit.

For me, there is nothing more sacred than being with someone in a safe, dedicated space, where everything is welcome, and where we can dive into the depths, with presence and compassion, and with the intention to heal, understand, release, awaken and grow.

“Joshua’s program really is an easy thorough walk into what “sticks” us. In Buddhism we know it as Shenpa…the “hook”, the sticky urge to stay stuck in patterns that are old and familiar. Joshua, with loving-kindness, opens the door another crack into uncovering the unfolding freedom in each and every one of us. I encourage you to dive in and take a look at what’s holding you back.”

Sybil Nance

Spiritual Teacher, Yoga Instructor

An Unprecedented Opportunity Awaits

Few people get the opportunity to enter a living, conscious relationship with a highly skilled practitioner and coach who can tune deeply into your Being, see what’s in the way, and faciliate genuine transformation and healing.

Oftentimes, it can feel like a lonely journey as we shed the old patterns that no longer serve us and make new choices more aligned with our Soul.

My intention with this program is to provide you with a potent, skillful, compassionate and educated space for you to finally see yourself, your relationships, and your life, clearly. To reflect with you, offer guidance and support, and engage in the practices that will transform and liberate your potential.

There is no limit to the depths and heights we can reach, no knot we can’t unravel, when we align for the sacred work of inner healing, growth and transformation.

If this aligns with you and calls you, I invite you to connect with me and explore what it would be like to partner up together and do the work.

Spaces Are Limited – Apply Now

Due to the nature of this work – and being a dad, and having already steady clients – I genuinely have limited spots available. 

To see if this might be in alignment with you, I ask that you click the button below and fill the short application form as authentically as you can.

If it feels like we could do some wonderful work together, I will reach out and we will hop on a short call to make sure the resonance is there, and go from there.

I look forward to connect with you.

With love, wisdom and respect,


What People Are Saying About Working With Joshua

“This last year has been one of the best experiences of my life. Working with Joshua has helped me be more present. I feel like I can finally stop and smell the roses! I now cherish, savor and enjoy the moments with my wife and children. I don’t get as overwhelmed or stressed about things any more. I realized that stress is something I created for myself. Now I don’t let that happen like I used to. It’s been life-changing for me. I see things a lot clearer than ever before. I’ve become a better person. The people around me, who I’ve known for a long time, have noticed as well. I now appreciate what I have while working hard and being my best self.”

Reginald Hardy

President of Rhythera Therapeutics, Inc.

“Through relaxed and friendly discussions, Joshua guided me through the processes of becoming aware of my patterns and helped me to view them from a new perspective. He suggested different techniques to help me explore my inner self which have already helped me reveal aspects I’ve never before explored or even thought about. The programme has resulted in me becoming more aware of the box I had become so used to hiding in, and with new insights gained through Joshua’s guidance a door has been revealed, a door that was most likely always there but went unnoticed until now and I am excited to say using the self-exploration techniques Joshua taught me I can finally see a way out. I highly recommend the programme and teaming up with Joshua, who has a tremendous ability to gently guide you deeper and further to reveal parts of you that hold you back from being the ‘REAL YOU’.

Michelle Fletcher

Marketing Specialist and Coach

“Working with Joshua has been so EXPANSIVE to my experience! I signed up for another round. He has helped me to tap into more joy, clarity and ease. I am feeling lighter and freer than ever before. It’s what I signed up for and more. Joshua is calm, joy-filled and tapped in. He is beautiful. Just say yes! I am so grateful I did.”

Nichole Eckman

Hairstylist, Yoga Instructor

“Joshua’s Presence itself that has touched my heart and soul. Spending time in the space of his pure loving Awareness has helped me to feel safe and open up and to be willing to gradually peel away the layers of my conditioning. This has helped me increase my own loving presence and to love myself first and foremost and everything that arises within me before I can love and serve anyone else, let alone a client. Thanks to feeling his loving presence I have become more available to the pure Love within myself. The greatest gift of all because I believe it is only then that we can start serving other people.”

Luna Joy

Artist, Yogini, Coach

“By the end of our time working together I was no longer seeking clarity. I was clear. If you are considering working with Joshua know that he will not be a coach that tells you what to do. He won’t give you formulas, strategies, and steps – though he will give you the insight you need to really take your business and life to the next level. There were times I felt frustrated and just wanted to be told what to do…but I knew that Joshua wasn’t going to humor that and I am grateful for it. If you’re ready to do deep work and uncover what will truly free you – then Joshua is the coach for you.”

Amber Campion

Success Coach, Founder of DRM: Dynamic Release Method

“Joshua is my guide for changing my life. He does this by altering my thinking and ways of being. I have significantly more vitality, my brain is clearer, and I sing instead of mope. My life has opened to possibilities I couldn’t imagine in the past. Joshua is truly a world class coach. I consider it an honor and privilege to work with him.”

Teresa Allred

Former CEO, Ontic Engineering and Manufacturing

“When I began working with Joshua, I was in a place where I was comparing myself to other coaches and bewildered by the success of much younger individuals compared to me as someone who has been around the block more than a few times. Now, a year later, I have a hard time relating to that bewildered individual. I have so much more clarity. While that clarity is helping me grow professionally, the personal growth is, well, “profound.” I am calmer, more centered, focused and connected to Source. If you are thinking about working with Joshua, think no more. The experience will leave you a better human being.”

Colleen Foley

Founder, The Be Keeper & Mindful Chef

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